Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Blogs in the classroom

Among all of the ideas that have been presented for blog use in the classroom, I am most attracted to the idea of using blogs as the extension of my classroom curriculum. I am constantly trying to encourage my 8th grade science students to connect our content to their prior knowledge and personal lives. I would use blogs as a way for students to add personal connections to the content presented in class by having students post blog entries (and comments) related to the big topics or main ideas that we are covering. For example, on main idea of our genetics unit is the idea of using our knowledge of genetics to improve human lives. During this time, students can create entries that highlight recent developments in the science of genetics.

1 comment:

  1. Awsome! Making connections is what real learning is all about. I love hte idea and the only concern I have, at first, would be that some students might lack both tach and science skills to be able to make those connections and post them. To overcome that I would put students in small groups, let them brainstom the ideas and make a group post. This, I think would increase the quialty of the posts and ensure everybody is able to contribute to each topic.


